justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
The memory of Winter.
May 5, 2010


freeform jam with brennewtnoj


Posted by pula on Fri 07 May 2010 at 05:39 from 82.175.129.x

Justin, are you a millionaire? I'm a software developer and hope to some time develop some kind of genious program like Winamp, and then have some big company buy it all to become a millionaire.

Posted by Andrew on Fri 07 May 2010 at 15:59 from 69.193.182.x

I'm writing on behalf of Big Think (bigthink.com), a website specializing in video interviews with the world's leading thinkers and influencers.

We would like to invite you to sit down for an interview with us in the next 1-2 months. The interview would take one hour of his time and would be filmed in our studio at 126 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. We are planning a special series about programmers and software engineers--the unsung heroes behind the systems and programs we use each day--and we would love to have you participate. My email is andrewdermont@bigthink.com.

I hope you will be available soon to sit down with us. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.



Posted by Erauw Ignace on Fri 29 Jun 2012 at 08:28 from 81.241.25.x

I just can't find any e-mails of the shoutcast people.
So I drop it here.
In the radio cbs24, PLEASE leave a good break of a few seconds between completed classical pieces. Classics is no jukebox. So, not after every "song" , but after completion of for ex. a complete symphony, or quartet.

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