justin = {main feed = { recent comments, search } , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
June 4, 2010
newtbrenbiderman - 1 -- [49:31]
newtbrenbiderman - 2 -- [33:59]
May 26, 2010
freeform jam with brennewt
May 25, 2010
freeform jam with chr
May 24, 2010
freeform jam with chr
May 22, 2010
freeform jam with chrtodd


freeform jam with brennewt

May 15, 2010
brenchrnewtbiderman - 1 -- [87:25]
brenchrnewtbiderman - 2 -- [13:54]

1 Comment

One pitch to go
May 7, 2010



freeform jam with brennewtnoj


1 Comment

May 1, 2010
wiener - 1 -- [5:52]
wiener - 2 -- [6:32]
wiener - 3 -- [8:42]
wiener - 4 -- [7:11]
wiener - 5 -- [10:03]
ca 1995, near Prescott: idle, on a rock, among the pines, at the foot of granite. the smell of trees and sap and pine needles, the warm sunshine and cool shade all comfort. having forgettable conversations with companions, names forgotten or not important, whose paths will diverge as inexplicably as they crossed. only good feelings remain.

...if your test/beta/etc period is more than a few days, it doesn't matter how long it is, within 24 hours of releasing you'll almost always have brought to your attention a few very ugly bugs that need to be fixed. Sigh...

It makes me want to release things even more often.

April 14, 2010
freeform jam with newtchrtodd
April 12, 2010
freeform jam with chr
Dear Intel,
April 11, 2010
I've just read this article about your experimental 48-core CPU. Can I mention that our software, REAPER is highly multi-core optimized, and we'd love to see how it runs on / can be improved for 48 cores?


Justin Frankel
Cockos Incorporated

P.S. We have REAPER running on Linux, too. Don't tell our users though, or they'll start whining (you know how Linux users can be).


April 10, 2010
freeform jam with newttombren
March 31, 2010
freeform jam with brennewtnoj
March 24, 2010
The best quote I've heard in a long time* (from a NYMag article): I've found that agree with him.
* Allison actually read it to me many months ago, and it has stuck with us both ever since

March 20, 2010
wiener - 1 -- [3:31]
wiener - 2 -- [3:32]
wiener - 3 -- [5:39]
wiener - 4 -- [4:01]
wiener - 5 -- [5:42]
software patent news
March 12, 2010

Here's hoping the supreme court does something good. Fingers are crossed.

1 Comment
March 9, 2010
newt - 1 -- [13:04]
newt - 2 -- [13:26]
newt - 3 -- [4:54]
eeePC 901
March 4, 2010
I got a while back this ASUS eeePC 901, with a 1.6ghz Atom and 20GB of SSD. When I first got it I upgraded the RAM to 2GB, and installed Windows XP. It wasn't that great, so then I tried Win7 pro on it, which almost worked, but would just freeze for lengths of time for no apparent reason. The keyboard is tiny and has a very different arrangement from what I'm used to. It sat idle for a while, and since I have been developing on Linux (hello, SWELL/generic), I decided to install Ubuntu on it. The new verdict:

I love it. It's reasonably fast for compiling, installing new stuff is easy (apt-get ftw), Firefox w/ flash is fine, Xchat is decent enough, the stock mail client is very usable. The best part is that the battery life is fantastic, the screen is bright, there are very little moving parts, and it feels really solid. Yes, a bit like a toy, but I'm not worried about breaking it. Anyway, I'm fully on board with the netbook thing. Maybe next time I'd get one with a slightly larger keyboard, though...

Oh yeah and the other part of what I'm saying is: I'm definitely appreciating where Linux distributions for the desktop have gotten. Almost there... ;)

I get that the "strict aliasing" optimization of recent C/C++ standards allow for great optimization. And I get that gcc has some anciently-designed optimizing, but at any rate, it annoys me that gcc will detect strict-aliasing violating code, and still go ahead and generate code that is obviously wrong -- i.e. when it knows that two pointers ARE in fact pointing to the same memory, it assumes that they can't possibly, and optimizes as if they don't. LLVM probably doesn't have the same problem, heh. Oh well I'll use -fno-strict-aliasing and meanwhile go through and use unions (and occasionally C++ templates) to make our stuff compatible with strict aliasing optimizations.

Of course, on performance sensitive code this is a huge time sink -- I ended up (on our anti-denormal code) looking at the output of many iterations of the same code on gcc i686, x86_64, vc6+icc10, vc2005+icc10, icc11 on osx, gcc ppc, etc, to try to find source code that worked properly and produced decent assembly code. The variety of code produced by each combination is staggering. Also, I found that often the code I thought would be fastest was not, when benchmarked. Oh well.


Ideas vs Execution
February 22, 2010
A better delivered post of something I've been telling people for years -- that execution is way, WAY more important than ideas. Yes, the ideas still need to be reasonable, but beyond that, it's how you do what you do that counts.

February 18, 2010
February 17, 2010
freeform jam with brennewtnoj
February 7, 2010
freeform jam with chr
After seeing a slashdot post about people running OS X on the Nokia n900, I read some more info about the n900. It seemed like great hardware, and was debian-linux based, so it seemed like a good platform to play with. Enticed, I found it on Nokia's site, complete with a 14 day return policy.

I should mention, I have/use an iPhone 3GS. Apple ends up pissing me off to no end, but I really end up liking the 3GS. It's a great phone/browser/apprunner/notetaker/calendar/ipod/etc. If it wasn't locked down so tight, I would like it even more. So really I end up disliking the idea of the iPhone, but liking it in reality.

The n900 is pretty much the opposite -- the idea is great. Having a phone I can ssh into and install g++ and make on and build stuff and run on, is great. On paper, everything's there. This is what I found: So I sent the thing back. It didn't last 24 hours. The dealing with root fs, I could get past that. The lack of AT&T 3G support, that made the decision easier. I really tried. I wanted to like it.

February 4, 2010
Thanks to a user on the REAPER forums: 1000s of ways to die: Greateful Bed.

Doesn't seem like a show I'd watch, but amusing to see REAPER on it, at any rate. Now if only it ended up on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Then we would have made it.

1 Comment
February 3, 2010
freeform jam with brennewt
February 2, 2010
freeform jam with chr and tele
January 27, 2010
freeform jam with brennewt
They didn't last long
January 24, 2010

Some people picked through them for a bit... Then poof, they all disappeared. Nobody took the sign, though.


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