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August 27, 2007
Denny insists that I update this, since he checks it often, and I guess since I'm the only person on the planet (other than my wife, at least) not to be on Facebook, it means he has to check it himself, or something. Speaking of which, LEAVE ME ALONE, FACEBOOK! Getting AIM messages from you is ANNOYING AS HELL.

We've started on REAPER v2. It won't be long before 2.0 beta is ready. A ton of good things in there. Really good. Stuff that before, I might have said "this might be kinda nice to have" then after I'm feeling like I can't imagine how I would have gotten by without it. The list of stuff done since the last public release is about 20 lines long so far.

I don't really like doing non-public builds of software. On one hand I get to hold out and surprise users, which is nice to do once in a while. But on the other I feel like I'm running with a MUCH smaller testing pool and as a result I have to be very careful--which is tough though because some of the things we're doing are big and awesome. Oh well, we'll sort it out with a "2.0 beta" or something soon enough.

It's been a month since the last post.. funny how this timing is. What else has happened? Had a vacation.. Dave Wiener and I made this song. I got a 1TB SATA drive (awesome!) to back up the "recordings" folder of my formerly large 1.2TB array to. Dammit why did I end a sentence with to? Dammit I did it again!


freeform jam with newtonbryan


Posted by Gio on Tue 28 Aug 2007 at 00:47 from 62.103.65.x

hope vacation time was fun :p
so how you spend your time in Mars? is it true that you brought back to earth some alien code for v2.x? :o

Posted by drew on Thu 30 Aug 2007 at 11:10 from 201.20.224.x

I'm sensing a pattern.

Two sentences that end with to. So it's all about two, too.

Still - I've no aversion to a version 2!

The good news is it looks like you're (still) enjoying the development - which is real important since many users like myself get a real buzz out of using REAPER. It's all appreciated!

Posted by Ilyes Gouta on Sun 02 Sep 2007 at 03:09 from 196.203.109.x

Dave Wiener? Is he the guitarist who has/is recently touring with Steve Vai?

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