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REAPER stuff
July 26, 2007
We've had a crazy month of development--things like Advanced Themes and a multiband compressor have been added, as well as persistent Undo/Redo, and support for multiple redo paths (!!! This is huge in my mind, and once we build an even better UI for it it will be even more ridiculously awesome).. The mac version is coming along, too... Anyway..

I was able to give a quick (19 minute) presentation to a bunch of people at the TechBreakfast NorCal "Mixing In The Box" seminar. It was a lot of fun and definitely got a pretty good reception, especially considering the audience was mostly Pro Tools users... Here are some videos:

Part 1, Part 2 (YouTube, what gives with the 10 minute limit per file?!)

But with all of this work getting done, I still miss our cat friend...


Posted by siggy on Thu 26 Jul 2007 at 22:07 from 71.204.188.x

Hi Justin,

I'd like to hear more about your experiences building REAPER for the mac. I'm all about building right onto the Win32 metal. I'm guessing you implemented REAPER this way? If so, how is the uber-Cocoa port going? How does XCode stack up against msdev? If REAPER wasn't originally Win32, how did you handle the UI abstraction? QT? Juce? Give us the geeky details man...

Posted by Gio on Fri 27 Jul 2007 at 10:34 from 62.103.65.x

yeah, i would love to have a second part of 1014.org/index.php?article=315as well...

Posted by justin on Fri 27 Jul 2007 at 10:39 from 63.167.167.x

xcode sucks. gcc generates worse code than msvc6, at least on OS X, but that's not my real problem with xcode.. the UI is just crap. tons of little things than vc does right, xcode doesn't.

REAPER is mostly win32 but we have a lot of stuff for doing the themed UIs.. most of this is actually rolled into WDL, which is BSD licensed on www.cockos.com/wdl

SWELL's in there, too...

Posted by Gio on Fri 27 Jul 2007 at 18:20 from 62.103.65.x

ic, i tried wingui and it really rocks. it's been a long time now that i want to ask you about the dev-platform you choose to work with; it seems that you have stick to msvc6 (hmm, probably with SP6 which was released somewhere around 2004)---are there any particular reasons for working with msvc6?

in advance thank you ;)

PS: still enjoying timeless bits of code since 1997

Posted by lauren on Sat 28 Jul 2007 at 14:46 from 66.7.182.x

you still miss kiki and i'm still sad for you both. she was definitely one of a kind. :(

Posted by compiler_rationale on Sun 12 Aug 2007 at 22:36 from 67.188.244.x

I personally like vc6 because of the redist issues. Most people on windows tend to already have the requisite runtime DLL's, so it's nice.
Higher revs require redists since people don't have them installed (yet)

Posted by stringycheesey on Tue 18 Sep 2007 at 09:41 from 12.11.149.x

The Undo Redo rocks! and the ASCII file save format.

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