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more super8ing
July 22, 2020

Ah, I forgot how much I like using my super8 live setup. Some information on it: I really like the handheld camera treatment in this one, so I'll have to do more of that!
1 Comment:

Posted by jakob on Thu 30 Jul 2020 at 07:48 from 87.141.33.x

Hah, I did something similar just a few days ago, and got myself an X61 (I had the X60 too back in the days, but the X61 has guaranteed 64bit CPU, so no hassle on ebay).

I also have a minimal Linux and REAPER on it, and use it for JSFX as a live vocals effects kit. So far it's great. I would have loooved to use the ncurses-based JSFX standalone, just for the visual aestethics onscreen. But alright, I'll take all the features of REAPER in exchange for not being able to show of my inner Hackerman. ;)

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