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Citibike NYC
June 17, 2013
I'm a fan of bicycling, and the launch of Citi Bike here in New York is something I am still quite excited about! While the launch has had its share of glitches, it's really shaping up. Their blog has been giving daily statistics, and I thought I'd put them in a spreadsheet to see if anything interesting could be made. I've made the spreadsheet public in Google Docs in case anybody wants to do some additional analysis.

Some initial comments on the data: On an unrelated-to-citibike-data-note, it is also humbling to see that even when CitiBikes are being used in record numbers, they are still far, far outnumbered by normal bicycles. Anyhoo..

If anybody makes any interesting graphs or correlations or extrapolations with that data, post 'em (or links) in the comments...

Posted by Wes Kussmaul on Mon 17 Jun 2013 at 19:56 from 76.119.211.x

So why do the Citibikes get such bad pr in NYC? They've been well received everywhere else.

Posted by matt on Tue 18 Jun 2013 at 13:21 from 108.182.51.x

could d) manhattan distance (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry be another option for the distance calculation?

Posted by matt on Tue 18 Jun 2013 at 13:58 from 108.182.51.x

Here's one where I plotted number of trips vs. rainfall:

Posted by Justin on Mon 24 Jun 2013 at 02:29 from 12.130.118.x

I just brought it up to date, looks like they have a typo for their June 20 numbers, 25 minutes average ride is really high, and that puts an average speed of 4.78mph, vs the typical 7.4mph.... I bet they meant 15 minutes.

Posted by Justin on Mon 01 Jul 2013 at 12:35 from 184.75.98.x

Ahh, looks like the bikes record their own gps data on every trip, crazy.

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