justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
At the end of an enjoyable 8 months of development...
August 3, 2011

Hooray! Thank you to my fine coworkers/coconspirators: Schwa, Christophe, Ollie, White Tie, Geoff, and all of the lovely people who helped test and gave valuable feedback. Schwa and White Tie did a fantastic job on the new web site, too, I must say. <3

Soon after posting the new website (thank you, git, for making that easy), and after grabbing a celebratory coffee, I noticed the web site was a bit slow. The CPU use was low (an Amazon EC2 instance), but on looking at the bandwidth graph I saw it was pushing a ridiculous amount of traffic (presumably saturating the link, even). After mirroring the downloads to a CDN (CloudFront), all was well. Thank you, Amazon. I'm very impressed with AWS/EC2/etc. It's good stuff.


Posted by david on Thu 04 Aug 2011 at 03:50 from 139.130.240.x

Just wondering if the downloadable installs can be mirrored? Had a quick look for the software license but couldn't see it on the website. Would be happy to mirror the software on our site to help spread the downloads around.

Posted by Justin on Thu 04 Aug 2011 at 04:10 from 74.66.229.x

no need, Amazon can host them, it's not terribly expensive. As long as we get a license purchased for every 80,000 downloads we'll come out ahead.

Posted by AnalSeducer on Thu 04 Aug 2011 at 07:06 from 76.103.105.x

From WINAMP to Reaper... and the ability to turn Reaper into a sustainable business financially. It's clear to me that the word "Luck" is irrelevant to reapers success. How are you able to create things that people like and are willing to pay for it? I heard you talk on bigthink stating you make things that you find interesting or making something better that already exists. I mean even if that were true..Is that all there is to it during your thought process? I just find it all so interesting and inspiring. I mean I think it's great what you and the team at Cockos are doing.

Posted by schmoe on Sat 06 Aug 2011 at 21:27 from 96.55.149.x

Congratulations Justin! I've had a Reaper license since version 1. I still am amazed and grateful for the work that you and your team do in producing such a fine product. My son is now an avid user (knows Reaper way better than me!) and has used it record and produce a 6-song EP for his band as well as working with other artists. We're a low-income family and the generosity of Cockos in making all this functionality so affordable still blows me away. I feel like my son is just the kind of person you do it for. Thank you!

Posted by 0=0 on Tue 23 Aug 2011 at 09:09 from 99.225.166.x

the website is awesome..big respect =O)

Posted by manueltripero on Sun 18 Sep 2011 at 23:01 from 190.16.165.x

I really have to say thanks. BIG TIME.

I was using nuendo 4 (yes, the jack sparrow version), and I purchased reaper with almost not knowledge (well I tried it a year ago but I was working with nuendo and I was fine with it), just became frustrated with the freaking Rewire, so I saw a post talking about the great reaper x32 bridge and I just bought it.

I cant believe this piece of software, blows my freaking mind, some tutorials some reading of the manual, AND IT IS THE FUCKING SHIIIIT.

Thank you so much, really it gives a lot for people.

I was EVEN more impressed by the forums, the great community and developers you have there, I`m not much of a coder myself, but those people are amazing, you deserve half credit for that jajajaj.

Chapeau from Argentina, I hope this software will keep growing, you (and all musicians), deserve this.

Thank you again for this.

Sorry for my broken english.

Posted by ali hendavi on Mon 17 Oct 2011 at 06:41 from 109.225.160.x

hey justin why you are redesign the cockos.com

Posted by Andony on Wed 11 Jan 2012 at 20:19 from 81.202.249.x


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