justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
February 15, 2008
Was reading an article on Bruce Schneier's blog about software lock-in, and found this quote intruiging: I absolutely despise artificial or intentional lock-in and am attempting to make a software company that tries (actively) to do as little as possible to lock people in-- nothing, that is, except making the best software possible. Yikes, there is a long shallow road ahead of us...

Posted by mr.hacker on Thu 21 Feb 2008 at 05:14 from 81.180.68.x

Hails to Justin!

Posted by Brad on Fri 22 Feb 2008 at 21:32 from 76.66.37.x

Could be my bias, but it seems like these days it's almost a capitalist necessity to be open. The easiest way to compete against the closed behemoths (Office, etc.) is by being open. They can't let their monopoly go so it's the one thing the little guys have a real advantage in.

I just like that it's smart business rather than simply a morality choice I guess.

Posted by Alex on Thu 13 Mar 2008 at 16:12 from 71.35.18.x

I guess it's really a question of scope. The larger the market share, then the greater the potential for multiple offerings. Where the big boys were able to survive as the one main "big fish" in a medium-small pond, as the pond grows there's more room for the small fish to grow and carve out their own territory. Which seems like a wonderful thing for us as users as it provides options and room for creative invention and revision.

The best (and most exciting for the community) way for the small fish to grow is definitely by being open.

Posted by Agentbleu on Fri 14 Mar 2008 at 05:20 from 82.65.124.x

Just found your site, history, rather interesting. You will like this
myplaylist.biz check it out.

Posted by Ken on Fri 14 Mar 2008 at 14:30 from 71.33.215.x

What about Vista kind sir? Forcing upgrades of both software and hardware. Many poorer families/companies can't afford to stay "up to date" with vista(upgrading hardware and software). I myself stay with xp for now but what about after they drop support? Not a loaded question. Local comp store employee.

PS- You're the first person I've stumbled across in a long time that I actually respect. Thanks.

Posted by Ken2 on Thu 27 Mar 2008 at 19:01 from 71.33.215.x

Any feelings on Vista? Maybe it only affects that small percentage of people I run into constantly at a used comp store, idk.

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