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crown king nothing?
April 5, 2005
wait what does that mean anyway? but at any rate, I (like Steve) will be getting
some bling in my mouth. functional bling no doubt, but bling no less. or so I'm
told. sigh. what I don't get is that in this age, they can't make a tooth crown
in less than 4 weeks? shouldn't they be able to do it in a week, if not a few
days? so instead I'll have to endure a nice plastic crappy temporary crown for
over a month? lame. I want instant gratification.

perhaps the best decision I've made recently was to ditch the cheap electronic
drum kit (which was in my office from back when I was testing Jesusonic with 
it) in my office, and replace it with another desk, which is devoted to 
electronics construction. it has made it so easy for me to build another AVR
board for the knobs on the new prototype (above). There's something just really
gratifying about making things easier to do (or at least not any harder than
they have to be). Oh, and here is a terrible mp3 (not quite scratching, yet, but 
maybe someday).

(oh and oops, yesterday's posting didnt go live until today, doh)

1 Comment:

Posted by Jordan Running on Wed 06 Apr 2005 at 11:59 from 205.221.67.x

My dentist has a machine in his office which makes a crown while you wait. It's pretty neat: Once they've got the tooth down to the "stump" (for lack of the correct term), they use a hand-held 3D scanner, just barely small enough to fit in my big mouth, to scan it into a computer. Then on the screen a 3D model of a crown appears on top of the 3D model of your tooth-stump. Then the dentist or his/her assistant tweaks the model to their liking, so that there's enough space between teeth, and it's the right shape on top, and so forth. Most of this is done with very simple tools just by raising and lowering regions. Then the dentist puts a solid chunk of porcelain (colored to match the shade of your teeth) into a machine a little bigger an inkjet printer, where two tiny bits carve your new crown in about 20 minutes. I'd say the whole process, from sit-down to walk-out, takes about an hour.

CEREC is the name that's stamped on the front of the machine my dentist uses. If you need more than one crown (I needed three.. ew), it might be worth finding a dentist near who has such a machine.

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