April 16, 2004
April 16, 2004
I decided the lyrics to that last song I posted here were a little too harsh, so I adapted some that I had written a while back and made this: lone parasite (the vocals I will rerecord soon, cause the mic I have at home sucks) to anyone who thought the previous lyrics were too harsh, it was more commentary than how I actually feel. email me if you want more details.
Wow, I could swear I've written something like this before. Wonder what will happen with that... A work in progress of a song. Has a ways to go, yes. But interesting (to me).
hahahaha, rad. I had bacon every day of my trip back east. mmmm. about 2/3 through 'Quicksilver'.. It's good. Kinda overwhelming. Makes me think about how I never realized how miserable people must have been in the 17th century...
About to head back east for the rest of the week for wedding fun. An interesting note: Grado Labs rules. I sent them by broken SR-225s, and they sent them back fixed. They did however write a little note that said "SR-225s repaired- $40". I guess they want me to pay them $40, which is fine, so I sent them a check today. That being said, I could have just as easily not sent them a check, and probably could've gotten away with it. Any big company would've demanded payment before returning me my headphones. But not Grado. They rule. Cheers to small family run businesses. <3.
I'm trying to use this little (paper) Calendar I got. Funny thing is, I can't actually put anything in it. Just questions. I just wrote, for may 1, "DJ Shadow?" The answer to that question has to be yes, doesn't it?
So Brennan, Christophe and I played, as "Consume, Vagina Boy!!!". It was good, though we sucked and had technical problems but overall I'm quite happy we did it. Big thanks to Analogue for the chance haha. Here's a NSV video of it (needing Winamp 5.01+ or something like that): (the second song has a lot less fuckups but isn't quite as catchy)
Woot leap year. Also 4 years ago today gnutella was conceived... Brennan and I might open (with Christophe filling in for Francis on the drums) for Christophe's band on Wednesday, at the Edinburgh Castle here in SF... Should be fun[ny]. ha ha. A slightly entertaining 10 minutes, or so. Got some fun little things in the oven, figuring out a name to use. 'tis a shame, Nullsoft was such a good one, and now nearly a decade later, pretty much all of the promising ones seem to have been taken, heh. doh.
ARGH wtf? I mean, I know what he's thinking, but c'mon?!?
Had a good little trip skiing and gambling with my parents.. Tomorrow Al and I take off for another little trip. Feeling pretty good about things, now. =)
I've been in a weird confused restless state for the past bit. It's funny to realize that after all this, I spent over 6 years working for Nullsoft, Inc. (or its acquiror) -- this is nearly a quarter of my life so far, and a much higher percentage of my adult(ish) life -- and here I am, starting over. I feel like whatever I do next is pretty much doomed to fail*. Not that I have any real plans, but maybe I need to do something that I don't want to succeed anyway. * it's very common, it seems, for the second project to be at most a marginal success-- it's super common in the tech field, but happens everywhere -- look at Zwan**, for instance (no offence mr. corgan, but forget about jesus). (edit: OK so I was a little bit hard on Zwan there, it was just such a let down after how good earlier Smashing Pumpkins albums, and Slint, were.. That's really unfair for me to use them as an example anyway, since they probably didn't say "ZWAN IS GONNA BE SO HUGE". Anyway, I digress) ** Christophe points out to me that the Smashing Pumpkins started sucking at the end, too, so this isn't a good point Maybe I'll manage to escape that fate, I don't know. I'm not in a super huge hurry to find out, but I do still want to create things. I guess the trick is denying yourself ambition (which seems to find its way to you, regrettably), and to just make shit for the sake of making it. Not because you think it'll be big, not because it's "what you're doing next", but rather, because it's interesting. To you. Whether or not anybody else cares, is their business. Having said that, when I start releasing new things, I hope people will take it the right way -- that I'm just doing the same thing I started doing 6 or 7 years ago.
Just updated my .plan at, too. Won't repeat it here (in two words: I've resigned). So begins chapter 3... or something cliche/poetic there. Or wait, does I've count as a single word? ha ha.
stood up by my brother...
So I think I'm getting addicted to coffee. which is OK, thus far, though I think my dentist is going to give me a hard time. Just sometimes after a part of a day of working but focusing a lot, I get sorta out of it and my head starts hurting, but a cup or two of coffee seems to bring be back to normal... anyway... Put together a Jesusonic 0.97 release. Mostly just little updates. Started playing around with making a random intelligent drum sequencer, but didn't get it to the point of being useful yet. Went to lucky chances to play some poker (NL holdem cash game) last night with Biderman... did pretty well, had a good combination of luck and not making too many mistakes. Fun stuff, need to go do it more. I seem to have the "partysong" which should be titled "new year" or something like that (from my last post) stuck in my head. kinda good, the song's a bit too long and drawn out tho, and a bit chaotic at times, but has a very strange effect on me... it's not quite sad, not quite happy, just sort of is.